Check out our brand new airhockey Matrix! LED display isn't only there to look amazing - it also communicates game updates and events, showing 'SCORE!' when a goal is scored, and a commiserating 'OH NO!' when you concede a goal. Countdown timers at each end keep you informed of time left to play, and the whole display flexes, colour-shifts and pulsates in perfect sync with your game. Customisable operator settings allow you to configure the table exactly as you want it and the 260w air pump creates a cushion of air across the playfield for the fastest speeds.
Air hockey has been around for a long time, with only rarely a major paradigm shift in design or functionality. Now the Matrix knocks the sector out of the park with its integrated LED displays and systems. If you're looking for a truly spectacular centrepiece for your venue - or even for your private games room - then take the red pill and enter the Matrix now!